Monthly Questions & Answers For Windows XPEvery time I receive an email with a jpeg file(s) attached to it, Outlook Express deletes it and responds in the following manner: "OE removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail: FW_Emailing_file .." How can I stop this from recurring again? Incidentally, I am using Houston Roadrunner as my ISP. Please help me. Great Question! The new Outlook has a higher security setting that is tied to the mail server. It looks at the file types that are used most often to carry viruses (whether they have viruses or not) and doesn't pass them to the receiver. You probably have this same problem with attachments that end in "exe". To adjust your Outlook so it can receive these types of attachments, you need to make changes in the registry. I hate to send you in that direction, so let me suggest a free program that will make these registry adjustments for you. Go to: and try the link for "DetachXP" or "Outlook Add-in Permissions" depending on what version of Outlook you are using. To find out the Outlook version, with Outlook open, click on the file menu "help" and "about". Thanks!
I use WINXP on my desktop computer and WIN98 on my Laptop. Are the registry entries for WIN XP the same as WIN 98? Can I export the registry entries from XP and update Win98 on my laptop? Registry questions are always scary. Windows XP uses a different Registry Structure than Windows 98. Microsoft does not suggest importing the keys. Thanks for the question! Do you know of any tools to help manage message rules and the blocked senders list other than the ones in Outlook Express? I would like to be able to sort, eliminate duplicates, etc. I use Outlook Express and I have been setting up several email rules to try to filter out Spam. I am a member of HAL-PC and have had the same email address for many years. As a consequence, I get a tremendous amount of Spam messages every day. First, may I suggest HAL-PC's Spam Blocker service for $2/month. This would take care of your problem. There are many other programs that will do what you are looking for. I would suggest downloading McAfee's SpamKiller from "" for the free 30-day trialware and see what you think. For other demo programs try "" and search for the word spam. SPAM is annoying. It sounds like you are using your Outlook rules well. You have a super question here. Thanks! I go to the event viewer and find errors, what should I do to correct these errors? Nothing. Many people would disagree with this suggestion. The Event Log is used by Windows XP to capture any errors. For example, if when you log into your system you use a bad password because you mistyped it, the error will be listed in the log. This error does not require you to do anything except to type passwords better. Because there are so many different types of errors, trying to track them down would be a waste of your time. If however, your PC is having problems and you need to find out what may be causing them, use the event viewer (Start->Control Panel->Performance and Maintenance->Administrator Tools->Event Viewer) to help. On a specific error you can double click to get detailed information.
Many times there will be a link to Microsoft with fix recommendations in the details. If there is not, you can type the exact error into Microsoft's TechNet, to get details and helpful suggestions. Please remember, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"! My old PC is Windows 98SE. I need to "FDISK C:". I used my Windows 98 boot disk but it will not work. How can I Fdisk my PC? You should be able to fdisk your hard drive. You can use the Windows 98 CD program to create a utility disk for Fdisk or use the actual CD. When you say that you can't, I am going to assume (yes I know what that means) that your disk is corrupt. Try going to and create a DOS boot disk from there. Boot up your PC with the newly-created DOS boot disk in the floppy drive. When prompted, choose fdisk. If you miss the prompt, you should be able in the DOS screen to type fdisk from the A>: prompt. If you still have problems, consider bringing your PC up to HAL-PC Headquarters for help. There could be something wrong with your PC equipment or BIOS settings. Thanks! |
2003 If you have any Windows XP questions that you would like to see in this column, please email them to The top 5 most requested questions will appear in the Magazine each month along with new helpful Windows XP websites. Todd Rosen is a HAL-PC Windows & Internet Instructor, Microsoft Partner & Tester, SBC Network & PC Management, and SSM.