HAL-PC Board of Directors
Houston Area League of PC Users
Board of Directors
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 01/10/2012
Attendees (6):
Annette Story, President
Open, First Vice President (N/A)
John Furby, Vice President Programs
Christian Hanlon, Vice President Communications
Erika Hanlon, Recording Secretary
D J Brown, Membership Secretary (absent)
Jerald Linsley, Treasurer
Rick Archibald, Executive Committee
Bernard Silverman, Executive Committee (absent)
Call to order at 7:45
- January General Meeting 28th
- Agenda
Speaker: Chase Bank Subject: Identity Theft
Chase will not present if they will be videotaped. They can provide information to put on a website instead.
- Notices
Need to mail out the notice for the general meeting 10 days ahead.
Motion: Approve up to $500 for the printing and folding of the notices for the January general meeting.
Moved by Rick Archibald, Seconded by Erika Hanlon. Passed.
- Agenda for BOD Meeting January 26, 2012
- Motions including financial
All of Aldridges payments have been approved, no new motions are needed on that topic.
- Power outage caused by storms January 9, 2012
- The suite reopened the morning of January 10.
- Need to address our contact list for situations like this. It was difficult to contact some of the staff during this time.
- HAL-PC does not have back up power.
- All of our customers were still served during the power outage. Aldridge and St James Place have back up power.
- There was only one customer complaint from Will Beasley. Will does not need to have access to the server room to reset his server. He is able to set up his server so that it restarts automatically when power is restored.
- Currently the following people have access to the server room: Annette Story, Jerald Linsley, Christian Hanlon, John Furby, Robert Spotswood, and the paid staff have access.
- Rick Archibald will also get access to the server room.
Motion: Motion to pay staff for January 9th. - Jerald
Moved by Jerald Linsley, Seconded by John Furby. Passed.
- Dial up outage January 6, 2012
Twice recently we have had dial up outages and PACWEST has been difficult to work with in both cases.
- Aldridge first notified
Aldridge said that it is not in their contract to fix this problem.
- Switch provider
Aldridge suggests that we go to another provider.
- Modem Bob's e-mail comments
Action: Annette make sure email has been forwarded to the executive committee.
- Proposed holidays
Annette Story has discussed potential holiday dates with the staff. The suite is closed on official HAL-PC holidays and only salaried HAL-PC staff are paid holidays. The holiday list was discussed. Annette will talk with the staff again.
- Internal phone system contractor
a. Still re-initializing
There have been changes and there might still be some missing pieces.
- E-mail, system, administrative accounts
- Call members when e-mail account suspended - spam suspension
It would be nice (but may not be technically possible) for email sending to be suspended but still allow suspended users to check email and have them receive an email that says their account is suspended because of spam.
- Administrative accounts
Some former administrators accounts are still there. Access could be set up so that it is only from within the suite.
- Postini
The staff should have the ability to administer the Postini account.
Action: Rick - talk to Lucille about being able to work with Postini
- Delivery of Virtual office system, TAC Ticket 71460
A snapshot was made. Annette has the password to access this. Aldridge warned us that changes we make to the snapshot can affect the current Office system.
Action: Christian contact Edwin Campbell at Aldridge about getting a snapshot/image that cannot affect the current Office system.
- New Equipment
Build or buy members donated machines for use in the HAL-PC office.
- Separate meetings
- Address questions and subjects to present to a lawyer
The lawyer Annette talked to wanted to know specifically what we want help with.
- Pacwest
- Firewall rules failure.
- Other
- Clear Lake is addressing how they run their classes. They are allowing non-members to come for an additional fee.
- People arrived here Saturday and the doors were unlocked and all of the lights are off. Should the doors open later on Saturdays? Need to make sure that the SIGs can get in when they need to.
- Address the Paradox system volunteer hours. The system is very old. Sue Ostleen has checked the system periodically. She archives the old data at the end of the year. The archives were sent in files to Angie and Annette. Where should we archive this?
Adjourn 10:22