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HAL-PC Board of Directors MinutesNovember 25, 2008Approved minutes of the November 25, 2008 regular Board of Directors Meeting. HOUSTON AREA LEAGUE OF PC USERS ATTENDEES: Officers: Directors: A written report was provided to the board by: The meeting was called to order at 7:31 PM in Sig room A at HAL-PC headquarters The minutes from the meetings held on July 22 and September 30, 2008 were approved by acclamation. Reports: The following, read and discussed their reports. Old Business: Motion from Annette Story at the September 30, 2008 special Board of Directors Meeting, postponed for two weeks, or until the next meeting. The motion was read to the assembly. Following a brief discussion a vote was taken and the motion failed unanimously. New Business: Mark Crain brought before the assembly the following: Motion 1: WHEREAS, The HAL-PC Bylaws Article III. E. 7. provides that the
Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate financial
records of HAL-PC and furnish a monthly financial report of HAL-PC to
the Board; Following some discussion the motion was withdrawn by Mark Crain. Mary Ann Mitscherling brought before the assembly the following: Motion 2: WHEREAS, The current HAL-PC Office Procedures Manual does not reflect the current needs of the organization; WHEREAS, The Board recognizes that the operation of the HAL-PC business office is crucial to the existence of HAL-PC; WHEREAS, All HAL-PC business office tasks, including financial data maintenance and financial reporting, need to be identified and documented in detail; RESOLVED, That Mary Ann Mitscherling is designated as the Board's representative to work with office staff to develop a procedures manual(s) containing, but not limited to, detailed procedures necessary to perform all office tasks, including location of files, organization charts, and other duties required by HAL-PC. Mary Ann Mitscherling is authorized to designate others to help. Following discussion Mary Ann Mitscherling agreeded to postpone this motion in view of the present progress in the office. Motion 3: WHEREAS, The HAL-PC business office is understaffed; WHEREAS, The clerk positions have remained open for three months; RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors designate Mary Ann Mitscherling (who can designate other Directors) to develop job descriptions for the Office Manager and the two Office Clerks, and assist in the advertising, selection and hiring of candidates for the available positions. Following discussion Mary Ann Mitscherling agreed to withdraw this motion in view of the current progress. Motion 4: WHEREAS, The Board should have an understanding of current facility utilization if the need to consider alternative operational environments becomes necessary; RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors designate Annette Story to summarize
classroom utilization reflecting SIG attendance over the last year. Following discussion Mary Ann Mitscherling agreed the this motion was "moot" given promised cooperation from Larry Dillard in this area. Allan Holtzmann brought before the assembly the following: Motion 5: Motion to extend the HAL-PC Suite access hours on Saturdays from 5pm to Following some discussion the motion was withdrawn by Allan Holtzmann. Motion 6: Motion to offer a Managed Wireless Hotspot program to all current and future HALNet DSL subscribers. The offering will allow HALNet Subscribers to share a portion of their DSL bandwidth with local Wireless Users that will purchase either daily or monthly access to the Managed Wireless Hotspot. These fees will then be partially (50%) deducted from the DSL Subscribers monthly bill to compensate for the lost bandwidth. Following some discussion the motion was withdrawn by Allan Holtzmann. In the foregoing motions, following their introduction, but prior to a second the chair engaged the maker in a discussion of the merits of the motion resulting in the dispositions as noted. Motion for the assembly to go into Executive Session for a discussion of personnel. Motion to Set next Board of Directors meeting. Bear Jones moved to adjourn and a second was heard. The motion passed by acclamation and the meeting ended at 9:25 PM. Wesley Leggett |