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HAL-PC Changes

October 2013

There are several changes occurring in the life of HAL-PC.  The most significant is we are moving by the end of this year.  This move has its roots in the lack of parking, increased rent costs but most important the building is being converted to a collection of medical clinics.  We are still in the search mode and have not made the final decision on the new location.  Members will be informed as the new home developments progress.

The second change is that our current email filtering provider is going out of business.  The new provider should not impact your email performance whether filtered or not.  You will shortly receive or have received a welcome message.   Follow the directions in your welcome message to set up your password to review your rejected mail.  We strongly advise that you use your current HALNet email account password; however, you may set it to anything you like.

The good news is that cost of the managed Spam Filtering Services will remain the same at two-dollars ($2.00) per month per primary email account.  The Primary account is:
the email account you receive as a member termed a “numbered account”, the email account you receive when you sign on for a HALNet service termed “named account”, and /or the email account you purchase as a separate service termed “independent account”.

Sub-accounts are the named accounts you can have issued to you as a HalNet customer only.  No other type of account qualifies for sub-accounts.  If you wish to use the Spam Filtering Service on your sub-accounts, and are not currently paying for it, there will be a charge of one-dollar and fifty-cents ($1.50) per email sub-account.  If you wish to add filtering this will be implemented as your account payment period is renewed.

Stated another way if you are for example, on auto renew quarterly, the change will occur at the renewal anniversary and you would lose the filtering on those sub-accounts.

Some HALNet users with sub-accounts have in the past received filtering free of charge on their sub-accounts.  This change will effect them as they will now be required to pay the dollar-fifty charge on each sub-account that is to receive filtering.

All support issues will be handled by or by calling the HAL-PC help desk.  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONTACT OUR SERVICE PROVIDER AS THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR CALL.